Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Voyager by Diana Gabaldon

After reading Outlander: with Bonus Content, the first book in the series, I reserved the next two books at the Library. Voyager (Outlander), the third book in the series, was the first to become available, so I read it out of sequence. I have been enrapt as I read the story of Claire and Jamie Fraser, amazing main characters from different centuries; who find love, romance, adventure, and excitement as they travel throughout Europe, across the Atlantic, and through the Caribbean. Diana Gabaldon is an amazing author, who thoroughly researched the contents of the medical, historical, religious, geographical, and cultural aspects of her fascinating characters' stories. This series is so good that I went to the used bookstore and bought several books in the series so that I can continue to follow the amazing adventure.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Diana Gabaldon's books had been recommended to me for a very long time; but I thought the series wasn't in a genre that I would be interested in reading. Boy, was I wrong. This book, Outlander: with Bonus Content has kept me up late into the nights, reading with fascination and deep caring for the dramatic lives of Claire and Jamie and their adventures in 18th century Scotland. What a great writer Diana Gabaldon is! Now I'm hooked, and I can't imagine leaving the next book in the Outlander series unread.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Power of Vitamin D New Scientific Research Links Vitamin D Deficiency to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Kidney Disease, Fibromyalgia, ... Diseases, Dental Problems and Depression

A few years ago my doctor ordered blood tests for Vitamin D. We were both surprised that the tests showed a deficiency, as I live in southern Arizona. I spend time outside daily. I enjoy a diet that includes vitamin D fortified food and beverage; and I take daily multivitamins. At the time, I made some minimal changes because of the test results; but now that I've read Power of Vitamin D New Scientific Research Links Vitamin D Deficiency to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Kidney Disease, Fibromyalgia, ... Diseases, Dental Problems and Depression., I feel like I have the missing information and now know what to do to supplement my vitamin D intake.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Living Rich by Spending Smart: How to Get More of What You Really Want [Kindle Edition] Gregory Karp (Author)

I enjoyed this compilation of Savings strategies. Most of the ideas are obvious and well known, but worth a second examination. The book is easy to read and research. There's no need to read in sequence. It would be quite a good reference book to pull out and re-use during life events that normally eat a big chunk of Income. Living Rich by Spending Smart: How to Get More of What You Really Want is also a good reminder of frugality in day to day life.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Money, Possessions, and Eternity [Kindle Edition] Randy Alcorn (Author)

This was a good read. The book helped me to examine my material inclinations and how giving is the antidote to materialism. As a metaphysical Christian, I felt that some of Mr. Alcorn's assertions were beyond my present belief system. At the same time, I do agree with Tithing and with Giving beyond the Tithe. I have not reached the level of Christian maturity, at this time, that I am willing to set a boundary and say that "Beyond a set amount of Income, I will give all to God". I do believe that everything material belongs to God (Source Energy); and that my material possessions are worldly and do not retain a lasting (heavenly) value. I admire Mr. Alcorn and his ability to give freely, and I do think that the book Money, Possessions, and Eternity has helped me to become aware of my motives as I Give, Save, and Spend money that comes to me. I hope that my decisions will be wiser as a result of reading this book.

Salt: A World History [Kindle Edition] By: Mark Kurlansky

This book was a challenging and difficult read. It took me several weeks to read because the topic was so thoroughly and completely examined. This book really does review the entire history of the world and how it relates to Salt, the Salt mines,Slavery, Human abuses, and the development and progress of civilization. I'm glad that I read the book because it is so very informative, but I often put it down for a week or so at a time so that I could indulge myself in lighter reading. I recommend this history book, with a note that I would have some lighter reading available for when this one gets overwhelming.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kindle Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts

I began subscribing to Michael's blog the day I received my first Kindle.
Because of his blog and subsequent book, Kindle Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts I can gain the maximum value from my Kindle.
I refer everyone I know who received a new Kindle so that they can understand all the things the Kindle can do.
I love that so much useful info is located in one concise book and I that can access it as needed.
BTW, the website links that Michael includes in the book are preferable to going on the web tab of the Kindle Fire to the site.
It's a cleaner, more readable version of each website.

Saving for Retirement without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery

Very well written. I am semi-retired and I understand quite a bit about Retirement Investing, but now I am clear about so much more. In particular, Gail MarksJarvis showed me how to find the fee structure in a Prospectus and use that to my advantage. I highly recommend Saving for Retirement without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery for those at the beginning of their career all the way to those who are already retired. It's easy to read and full of helpful information.