Sunday, January 23, 2011

TITHING Test me in this by Douglas Leblanc

Mr. Leblanc interviews tithers representing an array of denominations.
Chapters consist of  tithing individuals or couples, who have continued the practice over a substantial period of time. Each tells the story of how they decided to become a tither, and why they choose to continue the practice. 

The interviewees include conservative and liberal Christians--lay people, missionaries, pastors, priests, activists, and non-activists; Episcopal, Mennonite, Methodist, Catholic, and Seventh Day Adventists; and an Orthodox Jewish rabbi.

Reading their accounts, one is impressed with the humility and simplicity of the decision to tithe.

John and Sylvia Ronsvalle, in chapter 11, claim simply, "It is . . . a conscious way to resist the self-worship that accompanies greed and stinginess."

This book is a quiet reflection.  It is not exciting or dramatic, but thoughtful. 
I am glad to have read the stories. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Greatest Secrets of the Coupon Mom by Stephanie Nelson

I'm a newbie at couponing; and I can see that this is a wonderful, fun, exciting path to travel.  Some women can stretch a dollar and purchase $40.00 worth of Groceries and Toiletries for about $5.00. 

I want to learn how to do that!  I've taken my first stab at couponing and I've saved about $15.00 a month by clipping coupons.  Well, that's not good enough! 

Stephanie Nelson has some tips and tricks that make this 'game' produce better results and more success. 

In chapter 7, "Virtual Coupon Organizer to the Rescue", she reveals that it's not necessary to clip and store coupons until the time comes to combine the available coupons with sale prices.  The flier gets marked with the name and date, and when the time comes, only the necessary coupons get clipped and presented to the checker.  What a time saver!  No more sighing customers waiting in line for me to pull out just the right little square of paper. 

This book will save the reader far more in Grocery and Toiletry bills than the cost of the book. 

I feel like a winner:)